Horizontal Advertisement Design

Horizontal Mock-up 2

Vertical Banner Mock-up & Design

Horizontal Mock-up 1
Objective: The objective of this project was to take an existing racing vehicle, remove the original branding logos, replace them with new ones, create an abstract background, and design a horizontal & vertical banner design with the vehicle.
Process: Designing this project presented unique scenarios, particularly when creating the abstract background to convey a sense of motion and speed to the car. To achieve this effect, I utilized Photoshop to experiment with various blend modes and cloning techniques to eliminate the existing branding logos. Additionally, I employed perspective and warp tools to seamlessly incorporate new branding elements. Leveraging an assortment of paintbrush techniques and shading, I intricately added branding elements to each banner shape, enhancing the overall visual impact of the design.
Materials/Mediums Used: I used Adobe Photoshop to remove and add logos, as well as design.